1:05 AM

Clown Loach

Botia macracantha

The Clown Loach is a scaleless fish and a bottom-dweller that originates from the streams in Indonesia.

The Clown Loach is a peaceful fish that enjoys the company of its own species, as well as other small and peaceful tank mates. It will school with others of the same age and size. The Clown Loach prefers caves, holes, and other places to hide, especially when it sleeps. Because it originates from streams, it would prefer currents in the aquarium.

Botia macracantha enjoys eating small amounts of food several times a day. Younger Clown Loaches will eat most prepared foods, while older ones may be more finicky. Prepared foods such as vegetable flakes or tablets along with meaty supplements such as live, frozen, or freeze-dried worms will provide this species with the proper nutrition.

source: http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?c=16+1911&aid=2303


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