1:49 AM

Tiger Queen Anthias

Pseudanthias lori

One of the easier Anthias species to keep, the Tiger Queen was identified just 25 years ago. Also known as the Lori's or Queen Tiger Anthias, it is often found in the wild swimming in deep water with other Tiger Queens. It is peach to orange in color, with broad darker stripes on the dorsal part of the body.

If kept singly, a 100 liter (25 gallon) tank is sufficient; however, if keeping a group of Tiger Queens, use a 500 liter (125 gallon) tank or larger. This variety is more docile than most Anthias varieties and would probably be harassed by others if kept in the same tank. Groups should be limited to all females or one male with several females. Numerous caves and other hiding places should be provided.

Once acclimated to a new tank, the Tiger Queen does well on a varied diet of seafood, frozen, and flaked foods.

source: http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?c=16+1830+1846&aid=1719


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