8:59 AM

Peacock Flounders

Bothus lunatus

The Peacock Flounder, also known as Plate Fish, or known simply as Flounder, is laterally compressed and lays on its side on the bottom of the ocean or aquarium. Early in development, both eyes migrate to the left or right side, usually the left. The Peacock Flounder has a dull color with occasional light blue spotting. This allows it to lay in the sand, where the dull colors blend in making it very hard to see.

It requires a 125 gallon or larger aquarium with a sandy bottom which will allow it to blend in and change positions. It will eat most any invertebrate or small fish that come within its vicinity.

The diet should consist of chopped marine meats.

source: http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?c=16+1830&aid=1965


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